Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the living dead

i feel your clammy tendrils
slip-sliding round my throat
and the ancient killer lizard
lurking neath this human form
burns ablaze with murder
savage bloody murder
hanging on that perfect moment
to strike and slay....or perish !

there are no words or treaties
to resolve this timeless conflict
if it isn't thee that bites the dust
then it's but for me to die

i know what it is you lust for
you've dwelt so very long there
in the haunt of the living dead
i smell it oozing from your pores

i know without a doubt that
you would ice me on the spot
if you could succeed without
the threat of being caught

i suspect there once was
a living soul breathing neath
that dry and brittle shell
but at some crucial point
you must have made
your final fatal choice
and pay the going price
to the prince of thieves

it's quite the deal you have
you even get to see daylight
but it's no secret to these eyes
you're devoted to the darkness

like all who hail
from the halls of hell
it's mortal creature's
life-blood that buys
you yet another night
the hunt is an eternal one

unless you fail to score
it's nought but crumbling
into barren ash and dust
and what it is you are
shall be here never more


  1. glad you are still writing Wil.
    you are still in my heart.

    a little poem of my own from re-living a trauma for me, which i cannot post on my own blog, 'cause my mother could read it:

    sitting on the burner
    my mother’s rose-coloured
    plate broke like I did.

    we couldn’t take the heat

    but both my mother’s
    last salvation

    fills my pores
    permeates my being
    as she stifles me
    amid her own.
    the why is not the point
    it is the feeling of being stifled
    that I forgot to feel.

    “no, I am not angry at you
    but let’s not talk about it
    it’s just easier that way”

    becomes a violent statement
    in this hindsight
    and the moment that my life
    has brought me to, here

    dissecting these layers
    of childhood skin

    there is the feeling of death in the house
    the smell of buried
    rotting soul
    has been around so long
    you don’t even smell it
    any more.

    I am the only reason
    my mother exists
    for me she is
    going through the motions
    of living.

    there is a loneliness that comes
    with this realization
    an isolation so vast
    and eery it is as if
    all other humans have
    migrated yet I
    remain, my mother
    turning to sand and
    blowing away beside me
    blending, becoming a part
    of the endless miles
    of dust we have come from.

    I am saddened as if
    she has already died.
    the wind blows so hard
    I can barely stand

    to open my eyes

    I cock my one eye open
    it isn’t me
    or my deer heart
    she means to snuff
    it never was.
    the broken plate is her

    broken heart

    and not even I
    can give her hope
    or courage, faith,
    to put it back together again
    and beat here
    beside me, with mine.

    where are you
    who is here with me

    it is as horrible
    and shocking as a corpse
    in my regress-ed state.

    I have blamed myself
    took it upon myself
    to make her life worthwhile.

    I was the star in her sky
    and I have fallen.

    the plate broke.
    we couldn’t take the heat.

    you didn’t rescue me
    and I mourn I cannot
    rescue you

    but here we are

  2. PS. It is called 'the rose-coloured plate'
