Wednesday, September 14, 2011

blank canvas

sep 14/11
been staring at the "blank canvas" for quite a while now....been so gung-ho to jump to centre stage and share....and....blank !
reminded of "michigan j. frog"....he's the old warner brothers cartoon frog....guy finds this frog that can sing and dance....dreams of riches and fame....takes amazing frog to the agent....frog just sits there uttering "ribbet"....guy takes the frog home, sure enough the frog breaks out into song and dance...."hello my baby, hello my darling, hello my sweety pie !!!"....some of you oldsters likely remember.
what the point of that is....???
spent most of life on the road (on the run)....with relationship stops along the way....2 marriages, 5 common-law "experiences".
life circumstances and health concerns eventually brought me to a screeching halt....suddenly somewhat physically limited in getting about....and learning about the "living inside the box (room) (apartment)" lifestyle.
still have the curious wanderer's mind....enjoyed experiencing new and different people, places and things along the way....and of course i miss the excitement and thrill of that.
highlights of these travels are living and working in south korea teaching ESL, living as a volunteer in a world-reknowned yoga "ashram" over a span of approx 7 years, several months wandering throughout well as approximately 100,000 miles of hitch-hiking throughout canada and the usa. (sometimes on foot and later with a vehicle)....several interesting tales to share methinks.
the intention here is to freeform a chronicle of  noteable experiences/events gleaned and gathered along the pathway.
so-o-o-o....more to come....

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