Wednesday, January 25, 2012

cold-cut combo

i wonder if the whales and bugs and furry little beasts
reflect and debate upon the proper name of their creator
i'm curious to know if schools of fish give out degrees
do all those little wigglers have to learn to read and write
before they're hustled out into wherever they must go ?

after all, we've done a lot of precise research into who is what,
what is where and the specific category they'll be listed under
it confounds me to ponder that pandas might detest the bees
they could have read a newsflash in the local bamboo rag
"bumble bees were of the devil" and therefore they must die !

and what if the garden spiders were dead against the mice
as them sacriligeous little buggers have far too many wives ?
do you think the turkeys look forward to our thanksgiving feast ?
perhaps they haven't read that page of our ancient sacred text
that divinely decrees they're born to feed our fat-ass pride

"oh....we're off to feed the masses neath the holy golden arches !"
sing the livestock as they hurtle down the midnight highway towards
their fast frozen, lean ground, certified grade-A preordained destiny
oops....yet another sacred cow ends up a cut-rate cold-cut combo !
could she have missed the memo that served her up for brunch ?

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