Saturday, January 21, 2012

the anti-christ

he rarely ever manifests with flaming wings,
gnashing bloody fangs or foul hellacious stench
but often dons the cleric's frock and cowl
and seems with every fiber of his being to know
what's right and good and true for thee and me

he plays the mystic joker in his house of cards
a slick sly master at the clever game he deals
like a carny barker who can't win without his shill
he's ever on the spy for the next rube passing by
without a willing prospect he'd shrivel up and die

step right up, ladies and gents, come one, come all
you too can reap the benefits of what he has to sell
it's two for one on tuesdays, and kiddies get in free
the price of admission seems too good to be real
how does one dare pass up this extra special deal ?

there always is that price to pay as ever it must be
so say the ancient laws amidst the midway's glitter
they who've been and back proclaim this hard-won truth
no matter how sweet the deal was promised up to thee
the right and good and true reward is only e'er given free

* carny....carnival worker
* barker....carny hawker or come-on person
* shill....person working for carny barker....pretends to be passerby and wins hook the next rube on the racket
* rube....carny slang for sucker

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